Exhibition History and Chronology
Compiled by Theresa Choi. Originally published in Collens, D. R., Lawrence, N. R., & Choi, T. (2015). Mark di Suvero. Prestel and Storm King Art Center.
The exhibitions listed in this chronology are organized by opening date. When dates are unknown, the entries are grouped alphabetically by title at the beginning of the corresponding year. Additional information about organizing institutions is indicated for presentations that were not organized by the primary museum or institution noted in the exhibition listing. When a publication is known to have accompanied an exhibition, this is indicated at the end of the entry.

On September 18, Mark di Suvero is born Marco Polo Celsio Maria Levi Schiff di Suvero in Shanghai, China, to Italian parents.
The di Suvero family's anti-Fascist sentiments and Jewish heritage lead them to fear for their safety when World War I breaks out in the Pacific and the Japanese invade, and subsequently occupy, China.
In February, after learning that their deportation to a concentration camp has been ordered, the di Suveros leave China for the United States.
Immediately following their arrival in San Francisco, the family briefly stays in a basement apartment in the Pacific Heights home of Mary "Malo" Lowell.
The di Suvero family moves into their own home at Forty-Third Avenue and Taraval Street, San Francisco.

Di Suvero quits high school in the beginning of the last semester of his senior year. He continues his studies at night school and works as an apprentice housepainter and in a boatyard.
Di Suvero decides to return to school to study philosophy. In fall 1953 he enrolls at City College of San Francisco.

Di Suvero transfers to Santa Barbara State College (now the University of California, Santa Barbara [UCSB]), where he begins painting and making sculptures under the tutelage of sculptor Robert Thomas.
Di Suvero transfers to the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), where he completes coursework toward his major in philosophy while making sculpture under the guidance of Stephen Novak.
Di Suvero receives a B.A. in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley.
In August, di Suvero drives from California to New York with his friend and fellow artist Charles Ginnever.
In New York, di Suvero lives on St. Mark's Place with his girlfriend, artist Beate Wheeler.
On the advice of painter Pat Passlof, di Suvero joins the March Gallery, an artist-led cooperative that had been founded the previous year.
Di Suvero begins his ongoing series of hands, in drawings and sculpture.
Late in the year di Suvero moves to Avenue A, on Manhattan's Lower East Side, and begins working with materials salvaged from condemned or abandoned buildings.
Di Suvero continues using wood salvaged from abandoned buildings and begins to create what he describes as "structuralist Cubist open-spatial" sculpture.
On October 22, di Suvero moves to 195 Front Street in Lower Manhattan.
In winter 1959-60, Richard Bellamy, at Pat Passlof's suggestion, visits di Suvero's studio and asks his permission to show his work.
Group Exhibition:
March Gallery, New York. Anthe Zacharias, Mark di Suvero, Athos Zacharias. January 2-22, 1959.
On March 26, di Suvero is seriously injured while working an odd job on a construction site at Fifty-Seventh Street in New York. He is told by doctors that he will be paralyzed from the waist down, and that there is an 80 percent chance that he will never walk again. He begins a long and painful period of rehabilitation at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University. Although he will walk with the aid of crutches by 1965, he will remain paralyzed from the hips down.
At the Rusk Institute, Mark meets Leonard Contino, who will become a lifelong friend. In 1959 at the age of nineteen, Contino was severely injured in a diving accident. Paralyzed from the shoulders down, he retained some mobility in his arms and hands and needed to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Through the encouragement of di Suvero, Contino begins drawing and eventually painting.
In October, di Suvero's work is featured in the inaugural exhibition at Richard Bellamy's Green Gallery, at 15 West Fifty-Seventh Street in New York.
Solo Exhibition:
Green Gallery, New York, NY. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture. October 18-November 10, 1960.
Group Exhibition:
Green Gallery, New York. A Group of Paintings, Sculptures and Drawings. December 13, 1960- January 7, 1961.

Di Suvero begins to use traditional welder's equipment, such as acetylene tanks and cutting and welding torches. For the first time, he combines the use of steel and wood.
Group Exhibitions:
Green Gallery, New York. Ronald Bladen / Mark di Suvero. May 2-27, 1961.
Green Gallery, New York. Group Show. May 30-June 25, 1961.
Green Gallery, New York. Claes Oldenburg, Mark di Suvero, Jean Follett, Lucas Samaras, Myron Stout. September 19-October 14, 1961.
Group Exhibitions:
Green Gallery, New York. Group exhibition with patients of the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research.
Green Gallery, New York. Contemporary Painting & Sculpture. April 10-May 1962.
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT. Continuity and Change: 45 American Abstract Painters and Sculptors. April 12-May, 27, 1962. Curator: Samuel Wagstaff, Jr. Catalogue.
Di Suvero is involved in establishing the Park Place Gallery Group, an outshoot of a loose collective that formed among the artist residents at 79 Park Place in 1962.
Di Suvero leaves Green Gallery to join Park Place Gallery full-time; Bellamy will continue to sell his work until Green Gallery closes in 1965.
Di Suvero is awarded the Art Institute of Chicago's Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan Prize. David Smith was commissioned to design the Logan Prize medal in 1958; his design was used until 1986.

Group Exhibitions:
The Art Institute of Chicago. 66th Annual American Exhibition: Directions in Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. January 11-February 10, 1963. Curator: A. James Speyer. Catalogue.
Riverside Museum, New York. Sculpture: Sandra Beal, Mark di Suvero, Tom Doyle, Rosalyn Drexler, Peter Forakis, Eddie Johnson, Ralph Ortiz, Robert Tannen. April 7-May 26, 1963.
Park Place Gallery, New York. 79 Park Place. November 17-December 31, 1963. Postcard.
Park Place Gallery's lease is not renewed, and the group is evicted by their landlord, Columbia University.
During an interim period from spring 1964 to summer 1965, when they are without a permanent location, the Park Place Gallery Group organizes exhibitions at Noah Goldowsky Gallery and the John Daniels Gallery, which is directed by artist Dan Graham.
Di Suvero leaves New York and returns to Northern California to live with his parents in Inverness, near Point Reyes National Seashore. He works on the beach and begins experimenting with large-scale sculpture. Measuring twenty-two feet high, Nova Albion is the first large-scale, outdoor, mobile piece that di Suvero completes.

Group Exhibitions:
Park Place Gallery, New York. 79 Park Place Downtown Manhattan. January 12-February 10, 1964. Poster.
Park Place Gallery, New York. Park Place Invitational Show. March 15, 1964 (Opening). Poster
Welfare Island (now Roosevelt Island), New York. Welfare Island Art Festival. Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York. Organized by Park Place Group. Fall 1964.
The Jewish Museum, New York. Recent American Sculpture. October 15-November 29, 1964. Curator: Hans van Weeren-Griek. Catalogue.

Di Suvero installs Nova Albion (1964-65), Pre Columbian (1965), and Knight's Gambit (1965) at Drakes Bay in Point Reyes National Seashore. These works are later shown in a solo exhibition at the Dwan Gallery in Los Angeles.

Bunyon's Chess (1965), di Suvero's first site-specific, private commission, is created for Virginia and Bagley Wright for outdoor presentation in Seattle.
By the summer, di Suvero, Forrest Myers, and Dean Fleming make arrangements with contractors to complete the new Park Place Gallery space.
While di Suvero is in Los Angeles for his exhibition at Dwan Gallery, he is approached by Los Angeles-based artists Irving Petlin and Arnold Mesches with a proposal to mount a demonstration against the Vietnam War. He agrees to create a tower.
Park Place Gallery opens in November at its new location near the neighborhood that would later become known as SoHo: 542 West Broadway, New York.
In December the Park Place Gallery Group incorporates as "The Gallery of Art Research, Inc. for the promotion of experimental art and related media."
Solo Exhibition:
Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles. September 29-November 13, 1965.
Group Exhibitions:
Green Gallery, New York.
John Daniels Gallery, New York. 4D. Organized by Park Place Group, with Dan Graham. February 16-March 6, 1965. Postcard.
World House Galleries, New York. Sculpture From All Directions. March 1965.
Musée Rodin, Paris. Modern Sculpture: USA. Organized by René d'Harnoncourt, Frank O'Hara, and the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art. June 22-October 10, 1965. Traveled to: Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Berlin, November 20, 1965-January 9, 1966; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany, February 25-April 10, 1966.
American Greetings Gallery, Pan Am Building, New York. Artists Do Toys. November 22, 1965-January 3, 1966. Organized by Nan R. Piene for Art in America.
On February 26, Artists' Tower for Peace (1966) opens in a rented vacant lot on the corner of La Cienega and Sunset Boulevards in West Hollywood, California. The sixty-foot-high steel tetrahedron tower, which had been designed and built by di Suvero in New York, is dismantled and reassembled in Los Angeles. The structure is welded primarily by di Suvero, with assistance from Eric Orr, Judy Chicago (then Judy Gerowitz), and Lloyd Hamrol. The tower was designed to support hundreds of two-foot-by-two foot "peace panels" donated by American and European artists to protest the war in Vietnam. Ultimately, the city refuses to allow the 418 panels to be affixed to the tower, and they are installed on a fence surrounding it instead. The "Peace Tower" is dismantled after three months, when the owner of the lot it occupies refuses to extend the lease held by the project's organizers. The panels are auctioned off to finance future projects by the Artists' Protest Committee.

On December 27 di Suvero participates in a Happening called "Coney Island Carny," held at Judson Memorial Church on Washington Square Park, New York.

Group Exhibitions
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Contemporary American Sculpture: Selection I, 1966. Organized by the Howard and Jean Lipman Foundation and John I. H. Baur, Catalogue. Traveled to venues in New York State, 1967-69.
Park Place Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero Sculpture / David Novros Paintings. January 23-February 24, 1966.
Park Place Gallery, New York. February 27-March 31, 1966. Postcard.
Park Place Gallery, New York. September 18-October 12, 1966. Poster.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Art of the United States, 1970-1966. September 28-November 27, 1966. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints. December 16, 1966-February 5, 1967. Catalogue.

On July 31, Park Place Gallery is terminated by its member artists. After the dissolution of Park Place Gallery, Bellamy resumes representing di Suvero. He will represent di Suvero until his death in 1998.
Di Suvero rents studio space in a junkyard in Jersey City, New Jersey. It is here that he first learns to operate a crane himself.
Di Suvero receives a $5,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, which he uses to purchase and repair a broken crane.
In July and August di Suvero participates in the "Toronto International Sculpture Symposium 1967," a two-month residency culminating in a symposium and the establishment of High Park, Toronto's first permanent sculpture park. Di Suvero's project relies on a crane, a cherry picker, a torch, a welder, accessory hammers, wire brushes, and small hand tools.

Praise for Elohim Adonai becomes the first of di Suvero's large-scale works to enter a museum collection when it is given to the City Art Museum of Saint Louis (now the Saint Louis Art Museum).
Di Suvero begins building Are Years What? (For Marianne Moore) (1967), the first sculpture in the United States to be constructed by an artist using a truck crane.
After he is evicted from his studio in New Jersey as a result of his activism against the war in Vietnam, di Suvero moves to Chicago and begins Yes! For Lady Day (1968-69).
On October 21 di Suvero is arrested during the March on the Pentagon, an anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Washington, D.C.

Group Exhibitions:
Park Place Gallery, New York. Ruda & di Suvero: Directions X over X / Y over Y. February 5-March 1, 1967.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles. American Sculpture of the Sixties. April 28-June 25, 1967. Curator: Maurice Tuchman. Catalogue. Traveled to: Philadelphia Museum of Art, September 15-October, 29, 1967.
City Art Museum of Saint Louis. 7 For 67: Works by Contemporary American Sculptors. October 1-November 12, 1967. Curator: Emily S. Rauh. Catalogue.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Guggenheim International Exhibition: Sculpture from Twenty Nations. October 27, 1967-February 4, 1968. Curators: Louise Averill Svendsen, Edward F. Fry, and Diane Waldman. Catalogue. Traveled to: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada, February-March 1968; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, April-May 1968; and Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada, June-August 1968.

In August di Suvero is assaulted by police prior to being arrested during an anti-Vietnam War rally during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Solo Exhibition:
Lo Guidice Gallery, Chicago.
Group Exhibitions:
Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York. Three Sculptors: Walter de Maria / Mark di Suvero / Richard Serra. March 1968.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY. Plus By Minus, Today's Half-Century. March 3-April 14, 1968. Curator: Douglas MacAgy. Catalogue.
Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Park Place Group. May 10-September 15, 1968. Poster.
Galerie an der Schönen Aussicht, Museum Fridericianum, Orangerie im Auepark, Kassel, Germany.
Documenta IV. June 27-October 6, 1968. Curator: Arnold Bode. Catalogue.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. October 31-November 3, 1968.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. November 3, 1968.
San Francisco Museum of Art. Untitled, 1968. November 9-December 29, 1968. Organized by the San Francisco Art Institute in collaboration with the San Francisco Museum of Art. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. 1968 Annual Exhibition: Contemporary American Sculpture. December 17, 1968-February 9, 1969. Catalogue.

Di Suvero donates three playground sculptures to People’s Park at Halsted and Armitage in Chicago’s northside neighborhood Lincoln Park. According to the Young Lords Organization newspaper, this land was cleared of poor residents and left fallow until the city decided to build a tennis club with a $1000 yearly fee. Residents (250 families) began to repopulate the land in response.

In the late 1960s di Suvero lives in Southern California--first in West Hollywood, and then in Pasadena.
Di Suvero begins constructing Mother Peace, without assistance, in the parking lot of the Pasadena Museum of Art.
Group Exhibitions:
Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, MI. American Sculpture of the Sixties. March 22-May 24, 1969. Catalogue.
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence. The Albert Pilavin Collection: Twentieth-Century American Art. October 7-November 23, 1969. Catalogue.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940-1970. October 19, 1969-February 1, 1970. Curator: Henry Geldzahler. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. December 1, 1969.
Group Exhibitions:
Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York.
School of Fine & Applied Arts Gallery, Boston. American Artists of the Nineteen Sixties: Boston University School of Fine & Applied Arts Centennial Exhibition. Feburary 6-March 14, 1970. Curator: H. H. Arnason. Catalogue.
Galerie Ricke Cologne, Germany. Zeichnungen Amerikanischer Künstler. May-September 1970. Catalogue.
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati. Monumental Art. September 13-November 1, 1970. Curator: William A. Leonard. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. 1970 Annual Exhibition: Contemporary American Sculpture. December 12, 1970-February 7, 1971. Catalogue.
Di Suvero leaves the United States for Europe, vowing not to return until the Vietnam War ends. He moves to Eindhoven, the Netherlands, where he builds such sculptures as XV (1971), Ik Ook (1971-72), and K-Piece (1972) in a local steel factory.

Solo Exhibition:
Pasadena Museum, Pasadena, CA.
Group Exhibitions:
Lo Giudice Gallery, New York.
Middelheim Gardens, Antwerp, Belgium. 11th Biennial.
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Works for New Spaces. May 18-July 25, 1971. Catalogue.
Di Suvero establishes a small painting and drawing studio in Venice's Dorsoduro district at the Ponte dei lncurabili. He teaches at the Universita lnternazionale dell'Arte and works on flood relief teams designing projects to save Venice from rising tides. Although his designs are examined and judged feasible by the Waterloopkundig Laboratorium in Delft, the Netherlands, they are never built.

On September 15, di Suvero arrives in Burgundy and begins making six steel sculptures-Lover (1971-73), Ave (1972-73), La Petite Clef (1972-73), Etoile Polaire (1973), Ming, II (1973), and Ange des Orages (1973) in the factories and shipyards of Chalon-sur-Saône. He uses materials, equipment, and resources provided by the Creusot-Loire steel company, the Maison de la Culture in Chalan, and Centre National de Recherche, d'Animation et de Creation pour les Arts Plastiques. During his stay in Chalon-sur-Saône he lives in a trailer inside a factory.

On November 15, di Suvero's father, Vittorio, dies in California. Because of his political position, di Suvero does not return to the United States from France for the funeral.
Citywide Exhibition:
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum and City of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. March 30-May 7, 1972. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibition:
Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg, West Germany. Mark di Suvero: Skulpturen im Freien. June 27-September 10, 1972. Catalogue.
Group Exhibition:
Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands. Diagrams and Drawings by American Sculptors. August 13-September 9, 1972. Curator: Paul H. Hefting. Catalogue.

In the spring di Suvero moves his living quarters from an encampment inside a factory to a barge on the Saône River.

Citywide Exhibition:
City of Chalon-sur-Saône, France. Sculpture en Liberte. Organized by Marcel Evrard in cooperation with Centre National de Recherche, d'Animation et de Création pour les Arts Plastiques, Le Creusot, France. January 1973-December 1974. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
Richard Bellamy Gallery, New York.
Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: New Drawings. May 1-June 2, 1973.
Group Exhibitions:
Internationale GartenbauAusstellung, Hamburg, Germany. Die Internationale GartenbauAusstellung /GA Hamburg 73. 1973. Curators: Jürgen W. Scheutzow and Jürgen Stelter. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Works from the Early Sixties. January 20-February 15, 1973.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. May 5, 1973.
Detroit Institute of Arts. Art in Space: Some Turning Points. May 15-June 24, 1973. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. American Drawings, 1963-1973. May 25-July 22, 1973. Curator: Elke M. Solomon. Catalogue.
Seattle Art Museum Pavilion.American Art: Third Quarter Century. August 22-October 14, 1973. Curator: Jan van der Marek. Catalogue.
Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, Ml. Sculpture Off the Pedestal. September 8-December 3, 1973. Curator: Fred A. Myers. Catalogue. Sponsored by the Women's Committee of the Grand Rapids Art Museum.
Moderna Museet, Stockholm. New York Collection for Stockholm. October 27-December 2, 1973. Curators: K. G. P. Hulten and Billy Kluver. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Drawings and Other Work. December 15, 1973-January 9, 1974.

Di Suvero receives the Skowhegan Medal for Sculpture.
On August 15 Mother Peace (1969-70) is installed on the east lawn of the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland, California. It is the first of fifty major outdoor sculptures to be installed at the Oakland Museum and sited in other locations throughout the city as part of the exhibition Public Sculpture: Urban Environment.
Group Exhibitions:
Vassar College Art Gallery, Poughkeepsie, NY. Contemporary Collage.
University Gallery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Drawings: Studies for Unrealized Work for the University of Nevada.
Grant Park, Chicago. Sculptures in the Park. August-November 1974. Organized by The Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue.
Merriewold West Gallery, Far Hills, NJ. Outdoor Sculpture, 1974. September 21-October 19, 1974. Curator: Patricia Hamilton. Booklet.
The Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA. Public Sculpture: Urban Environment. September 29-December 29, 1974. Curator: George W. Neubert. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Drawings and Other Work. December 7, 1974-January 8, 1975.

Di Suvero becomes the first living artist to receive a solo exhibition in the Jardin des Tuileries, Paris.
On February 20, the Oakland City Council votes to dismantle Mother Peace after months of debate and controversy over its siting adjacent to the Alameda County Courthouse. The sculpture is dismantled on March 11.
The Vietnam War ends in late April. Di Suvero returns to the United States.
Di Suvero establishes an open-air fabrication studio in Petaluma, in Northern California's Sonoma County.
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, organizes a retrospective exhibition with work presented in the museum and in various locations throughout all Ave boroughs.
The citywide exhibition of di Suvero's large-scale, public sculpture is the first of its kind in the United States.

Citywide Exhibition:
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and the City of New York. November 13, 1975-February 8, 1976. Curators: James Monte, Pamela Adler, and Doris Freedman. Catalogue. Brochure.
Solo Exhibition:
Jardin des Tuileries, Paris. April-July 1975. Organized by Marcel Evrard. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston. Monumental Sculpture in the 1970s: For Civic, Private, and Corporate Places. Catalogue.
The Clocktower Gallery, New York. Artists Make Toys. January 1-15, 1975. Organized by the Institute for Contemporary Art and Urban Resources. Catalogue.
Susan Caldwell Gallery, New York. Works by 22 Artists. January 1975. Curator: David Novros.
Hayward Gallery, London. The Condition of Sculpture: A Selection of Recent Sculpture by Younger British and Foreign Artists. May 13-July 13, 1975. Curator: William Tucker. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibition:
Hansen Fuller Gallery, San Francisco.
Group Exhibitions:
Linda Farris Gallery, Seattle. California Drawing Exhibition.
Hamilton Gallery, New York. Sculpture in the Constructivist Tradition.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Drawing Now: 1955-1976. January 23-March 9, 1976. Organized by Bernice Rose. Catalogues. Traveled to Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland, October 10-November 14, 1976; Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany, November 25, 1976-January 16, 1977; Graphische Sammlung Albertina Wien, Austria, January 20-February 28, 1977.
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans. Fine Arts in New Federal Buildings. April 1-May 16, 1976. Organized by the General Services Administration, Fine Arts Program, Washington, D.C. Catalogue.
Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco. Group Sculpture Show (with Robert Arneson, Bruce Beasley, Joan Brown, Mark di Suvero, David Gilhooly, Tom Holland, Robert Hudson, Whit Ingram, Alvin Light, William T. Wiley, Wilfred Zogbaum, and Martin Myers). June 1976.
Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero I Richard Smith. August 1976.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Painting and Sculpture in California: The Modern Era. September 3-November 21, 1976. Curators: Walter Hopps and Henry T. Hopkins. Catalogue.
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney. The 1976 Biennale of Sydney. November 13-December 19, 1976. Curator: Thomas G. McCullough. Catalogue.
North Star (1977), is released. Produced by Barbara Rose and François de Menil and scored by Phillip Glass, the film documents Mark di Suvero from about 1975-1977, spanning di Suvero’s exile in France to return to New York following the Vietnam War.

Di Suvero co-founds the Athena Foundation, an organization that aims to encourage the arts, expand the culture, and support science by providing grants, materials, encouragement, and workspace. The first grant is awarded to composer Philip Glass.
Solo Exhibition:
Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: New Sculpture. February 15-March 19, 1977.
Group Exhibitions:
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. California Collections.
Timothea Stewart Gallery, Los Angeles. Important Painting and Sculpture.
Wave Hill Sculpture Garden, Riverdale, NY. Inaugural Exhibition. Curators: Linda Macklowe and Suzanne Randolph. Catalogue.
Katonah Gallery, Katonah, NY. Art Off the Picture Press. Februrary 1977. Kenneth Tyler, Gemini G.E.L.
The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago. Ideas in Sculpture, 1965-1977. May 1-June 11, 1977. Curator: Susanne Ghez. Brochure.
Akron Art Institute, Akron, OH. Project/ New Urban Monuments. May 1-June 19, 1977. Curator: Patricia Hamilton. Catalogue. Traveled to: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Columbus, OH, July 15-September 25, 1977; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, October 8-November 27, 1977; Tennessee Botanical Gardens and Fine Arts Center, Nashville, January 7-February 25, 1978;
Cranbrook Academy of Art/ Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Ml, March 5-April 16, 1978; University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, May 12-September 10, 1978; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, October 7-November 5, 1978; Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, December 1, 1978-January 37, 1979; Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, February 16 -April 1, 1979.
National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. May 20 -September 11, 1977.
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. Invitational American Drawing Exhibition. September 17-October 30, 1977. Booklet.
New York State Museum, Albany. New York: The State of Art. October 8, 1977-January 15, 1978. Curator: Courtney Sale. Catalogue.
P.S. 1, Long Island City, NY. New York Avant-Garde I Works and Projects of the Seventies. October 9- November 6, 1977. Traveled to: Mead Gallery, Amherst College, Amherst, MA; University of California Art Galleries, Santa Barbara; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA; and Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Sculpture Now Inc., New York. Sculpture Yesterday/ Today: Mark di Suvero, Tom Doyle, Peter Forakis, Charles Ginnever. October 29 -December 3, 1977. Booklet.
John Weber Gallery, New York. Drawings for Outdoor Sculpture, 1946-1977. November 1977. Curator: Susanna E. Singer. Booklet. Traveled to: Mead Gallery, Amherst College, Amherst, MA; University of California Art Galleries, Santa Barbara; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA; and Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor. Works from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel. November 11, 1977-January 1, 1978. Curator: Bret Waller. Booklet.
Pleiades Gallery, New York. Tenth Street Days: The Co-ops of the '50s. December 20, 1977-January 7, 1978. Curator: Joellen Bard in cooperation with Pleiades Gallery and the Association of Artist-Run Galleries. Catalogue. Traveling exhibition circulated by the Gallery Association of New York State. Work selected for travel by Dore Ashton and Joellen Bard.
In September, ConStruct Gallery opens on Ontario Street near the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. United in their practice of producing large-scale public sculpture, the gallery's founders-who are mostly Chicago-based-include di Suvero, Charles Ginnever, John Henry, Linda Howard, Lyman Kipp, Frank McGuire, Jerry Peart, and Kenneth Snelson.
Solo Exhibition:
Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston. January 27-February 28, 1978. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu. California: 3 by 8 Twice. February 3-March 5, 1978. Booklet.
Construct, Chicago. Group Show. September 1978.
Solo Exhibitions:
Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco. Sculpture Installation by Mark di Suvero. August 1-25, 1979.
Construct, Chicago. October 5- November 24, 1979.
Group Exhibitions:
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
Touchstone Gallery, New York. Sculptors' Drawings. January 6-31, 1979.
Rosa Esman Gallery, New York. Places To Be: Unrealized Monumental Projects. January 9-February 3, 1979. Catalogue.
Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase. On Sculpture: Christo, Mark di Suvero, Robert Irwin & George Segal. April 2-May 27, 1979.
Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco. Di Suvero & Serra & Wareham. June 28 -July 28, 1979.
Prospect Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway, Lake George, NY. The Prospect Mountain Sculpture Show: An Homage to David Smith. August 1-0ctober 15, 1979. Organized by Irving Sandler and Lake George Arts Project, with the cooperation of The Hyde Collection. Catalogue.
Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, NY. ConStruct Group Exhibition. September 7-30, 1979.
Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY. Supershow! October 20-December 9, 1979. Organized by Independent Curators Incorporated, New York. Catalogue. Traveled to: Landmark Center, St. Paul, MN, January 26-March 9, 1980; Center for Fine Arts, Mesa, AZ, April 12-June 4, 1980; and New Gallery, Cleveland, October 3-31, 1980.
Di Suvero begins converting abandoned riverfront warehouses in Long Island City, New York, into a studio space, which he names Spacetime C.C. (Construct Corporation).
Bellamy opens the Oil & Steel Gallery at 157 Chambers Street.

Solo Exhibition:
Ace Gallery, Venice, CA. Mark di Suvero: Works in Steel. November 21, 1980-January 31, 1981.
Group Exhibitions:
National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, D.C. GSA Maquettes.
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Homage to Picasso.
Max Hutchinson Gallery, New York. 10 Abstract Sculptures: American and European, 1940-1980. March 18-April 19, 1980. Booklet.
Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Urban Encounters: Art, Architecture, Audience. March 19-April 30, 1980. Catalogue.
The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY. Sculptors' Studies: Prospect Mountain Sculpture Show. March 23-April 20, 1980. Organized in collaboration with the Lake George Arts Project. Brochure.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. American Sculpture: Gifts of Howard and Jean Lipman. April 15-June 15, 1980. Brochure.
San Diego Museum of Art. Sculpture in California, 1975-80. May 18-July 6, 1980. Curator: Richard Armstrong. Catalogue.
Ten O One Gallery, New Orleans. American Contemporary Sculpture. May 29-July 3, 1980. Organized by Max Hutchinson Gallery, New York.
Civici Musei e Gallerie di Storia e Arte, Udine, Italy. Arte Americana Contemporanea. September 20-November 16, 1980. Catalogue.
In October, ConStruct, Inc. acquires and moves into 1,500 square feet of space at 101 N. Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago.
Solo Exhibition:
Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles. Mark di Suvero: Five New Sculptures. July 1981. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT. New Dimensions in Drawing, 1950-1980. May 2- September 6, 1987. Catalogue.
Oil & Steel Gallery, New York. Contemporary Painting/ Sculpture I: Andrejevic, Baer, Christensen, Crozier, di Suvero, Heizer, Leslie, Muller, Murray, Nonas, Poons, Rabinowitch, Stout, Tweddle, Wofford, Young. October 20- December 5, 1987.

Solo Exhibition:
Brooke Alexander Inc., New York. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture in Editions. January 16-February 1, 1982.
Group Exhibitions:
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 20 American Artists: Sculpture 1982. Curator: George Neubert. Catalogue.
Okun-Thomas Gallery, St. Louis.
Doris C. Freedman Gallery at the Urban Center, New York. Ten Years of Public Art: 1972-1982. May 20-June 18, 1982. Organized by the Public Art Fund. Catalogue.
The Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA. 100 Years of California Sculpture. August 7-October 17, 1982. Catalogue.
Oil & Steel Gallery, New York. Contemporary Painting/ Sculpture II + III. October 1-December 18, 1982.
Di Suvero receives the Arts Commission of the City and County of San Francisco Award for Distinguished Work and Achievement in Sculpture.
Solo Exhibitions:
Oil & Steel Gallery, New York. March 12-April 16, 1983.
Oil & Steel Annex at Hallett's Cove, Long Island City, Queens. April 26- May 28, 1983.
Esprit Park, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Major Outdoor Sculpture. September 1-December 31, 1983. Organized by John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Booklet.
Group Exhibitions:
Max Hutchinson Gallery, New York. Varieties of Sculptural Ideas. Curator: Eric Siegeltuch.
Oil & Steel Gallery, New York. Contemporary Sculptures Paintings Drawings (IV), 1956-1983. September 20-October 15, 1983.
Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY. Sculpture: The Tradition in Steel. October 9, 1983-January 22, 1984. Curators: Janice Parente and Phyllis Stigliano. Catalogue and brochure.
Milwaukee Art Museum. Controversial Public Art: From Rodin to di Suvero. October 21, 1983-January 15, 1984. Catalogue.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. The First Show: Painting and Sculpture from Eight Collections, 1940-1980. November 20, 1983-February 19, 1984. Curators: Pontus Hulten, Richard Koshalek, Julia Brown, and Kerry Brougher. Catalogue.
Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale. An American Renaissance: Painting and Sculpture Since 1940. January 12-March 30, 1986. Curator: Sam Hunter. Catalogue.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Selected Works by 20th-Century Masters. January 15-February 8, 1986.
El Bohio Community and Cultural Center, New York. Indoor I Outdoor. May 1986. Curator: David Hacker. Catalogue.
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, Art Galleries, New York. Exhibition of Works by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Awards. May 21-June 15, 1986. Brochure.
Shidoni Gallery, Tesaque, NM. 12th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Show. June 1-September 30, 1986. Booklet.
Arnold Herstand & Company, New York. American Sculpture: A Selection. June 4-July 31, 1986.
Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée national d'art moderne, Paris. Qu'est-ce que la sculpture moderne? (What Is Modern Sculpture?). Curator: Margit Rowell. July 3-October 13, 1986. Catalogue.
Department of Art Galleries, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Drawings from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel. September 7-November 16, 1986. Curator: Randy J. Ploog. Catalogue. Traveled to: Sara Moody Gallery of Art, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, February 2-27, 1987; Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, March 15-May 10, 1987.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Inaugural Exhibition. September 28, 1986-March 31, 1987. Curator: Enrico Martignoni. Catalogue.
Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA. Second Newport Biennial: The Bay Area. October 3-November 23, 1986. Curator: Anne Ayres. Catalogue.
Expressions Art Gallery, Coconut Grove, FL. Drawings by Sculptors: Mike Baur, Mark di Suvero, Dale Graham, John Henry, Richard Hunt, Frank McGuire. November 21-December 24, 1986.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Individuals: A Selected History of Contemporary Art, 1945- 1986. December 10, 1986-January 10, 1988. Curator: Julia Brown Turrell. Catalogue.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Sculpture: Richard Serra, Ellsworth Kelly, Mark di Suvero, Michael Hall, Tony Smith. December 13, 1986-January 31, 1987.

Di Suvero receives the Doris C. Freedman Award in recognition of his role in the establishment of Socrates Sculpture Park.
With Marcel Evrard, di Suvero establishes La Vie des Formes, an international yard for experimental creation, on the banks of the Saône River in France. Established at COMEF (Constructions Metallique et Fluvial), a naval shipyard, La Vie des Formes includes large indoor and outdoor facilities. Beside the studio is a floating barge-Rêve des Signes that provides an indoor exhibition space.
Solo Exhibitions:
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island Gallery, NY.
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Tokyo. Mark di Suvero: New Sculpture. May 11-June 6, 1987. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY (multiple presentations).
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Nagoya, Japan. Relief & Sculpture: Basquiat, Brown, Chia, Hunt, Schnabel, Stella, di Suvero, Wakabayashi, Haraguchi, Yamamoto, Sakuji, Yoshimoto.
Corvallis Arts Center, Corvallis, OR. Corvallis Collects. January 7-25, 1987.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Sculpture: Walk On I Sit Down I Go Through. May 17-September 15, 1987. Curators: Janice Parente and Phyllis Stigliano. Catalogue.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. New Acquisitions. MayJune 1987.
Rosa Esman Gallery, New York. Art Against AIDS. June 6-June 30, 1987. Organized by Robert Rosenblum and Livet Reichard Company Inc., in association with Susan Martin Public Relations. Catalogue.
Germans Van Eck Gallery, New York. Contemporary Assemblage: John Armleder, Mark di Suvero, Alain Kirili, Donald Lipski, Robert Rauschenberg, George Segal, Frank Stella, Bill Woodrow. September 12-October 10, 1987. Booklet.
City Gallery, New York. Outside In: Socrates Sculpture Park at Columbus Circle. October 26 November 27, 1987. Organized by Socrates Sculpture Park and Athena Foundation. Brochure.
Galerie Lelong, New York. Sculpture. October 29-December 5, 1987.

Citywide Exhibition:
Wurttembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany. May 11-July 10, 1988. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA. BIG little SCULPTURE. Curator: Phyllis Tuchman. Catalogue. Traveled to other venues through the Visual Arts Touring Program of the New England Foundation for the Arts.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Drawings, Paintings by Sculptors.
New York Studio School, New York. Envoys.
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Selected Sculpture. January 16-February 27, 1988.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Aspects of Collage, Assemblage, and the Found Object in 20th Century Art. March 29-May 22, 1988. Curator: Diane Waldman.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Sculptors Working. May 22, 1988-March 15, 1989. Curator: Enrico Martignoni. Catalogue.
Pence Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. Lost and Found in California: Four Decades of Assemblage Art. July 16- September 7, 1988. Curator: Sandra Leonard Starr. Organized by James Corcoran Gallery, in cooperation with Shoshana Wayne Gallery and Pence Gallery. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, New York. Sculpture Since the Sixties: From the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art. August 18, 1988 -August 9, 1989. Curator: Susan Lubowsky. Booklet.
Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles. Art of the '70s. October 8-November 19, 1988.
Solo Exhibition:
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY.
Group Exhibitions:
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY.
Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, Stamford, CT. The 'Junk' Aesthetic: Assemblage of the 1950s and Early 1960s. April 7-June 14, 1989. Curator: Roni Feinstein. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Sculpture City. May 7, 1989-March 11, 1990. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, New York. June 30-August 23, 1989.
Tasende Gallery, La Jolla, CA. 10th Anniversary Exhibition. June 1989. Catalogue.
Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles. A Decade of American Drawing, 1980-1989. August 1989.
JGM Galerie, Paris. Fers: de Gonzalez à Tony Cragg. October-November 1989.
Citywide Exhibition:
Musée de Valence and the City of Valence, France. Mark di Suvero/ Valence. May 19-September 2, 1990. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibition:
Galerie de France, Paris. Mark di Suvero: Paris 1990. September 6- 0ctober 13, 1990. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Summer Group Exhibition.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Sculpture/Painting.
Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles. Sculpture.
Ben Shahn Galleries, William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ. Hand Body House: Approaches to Sculpture. April 1990. Catalogue.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Sculptors' Drawings. June 2-June 30, 1990.
Blumhelman Gallery and Germans van Eck Gallery, New York. Artists for Amnesty. June 6-16, 1990. Catalogue.
International Exhibition Hall, Nippon Convention Center, Makuhari Messe, Japan. Pharmakon '90. July 28-August 20, 1990. Curator: Kikuko Amagasaki. Catalogue.
Esprit Sculpture Garden, San Francisco. September 25, 1990-1991. Organized by John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco.
Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles. Group Exhibition. December 3, 1990-January 26, 1991.
Citywide Exhibition:
Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, Nice, and the City of Nice, France. Mark di Suvero: Rétrospective. June 14-September 15, 1991. Curator: Gilbert Perlein. Catalogue and brochure.
Solo Exhibitions:
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. January 8-February 2, 1991. Mark di Suvero: Total Art-Venice Beach. Organized in association with Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY.
L.A. Louver Gallery, Venice, CA. Mark di Suvero: New Sculpture and Drawings. January 8-February 2, 1991.
Akira Ikeda Gallery/ Taura, Yokosuka, Japan. Mark di Suvero. November 2, 1991-March 28, 1992. Catalogue.·
Group Exhibitions:
Galerie Denise Cadé-Art Prospect Inc., New York.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Painting Sculpture Drawings.
University of Hawaii Art Gallery, Honolulu. The Fourth International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition. March 10-April, 12, 1991. Catalogue. Traveled to: East Hawaii Cultural Center, Hilo, May 3-31, 1991; Tucson Museum of Art, June 28-August 25, 1991; Murray State University, Murray, KY, September 19-0ctober 20, 1991; University of Oklahoma Museum of Art, Norman, OK, November 8- December 15, 1991; Brunnier Gallery and Museum, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, January 18-March 1, 1992; Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, AL, April 3-May 3, 1992; Gaston County Museum, Dallas, NC, May 23-July 5, 1992; West Bend Gallery of Fine Arts, West Bend, WI, July 29-September 6, 1992; Dominquez Hills Art Gallery, California State University, Carson, October 1-28, 1992; Nave Museum, Victoria, TX, November 19, 1992- January 10, 1993; Isla Center for the Arts, University of Guam, Mangilao, January 28-March 11, 1993.
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA. American Abstraction at the Addison. April 18-July 37, 1991. Curator: Jock Reynolds. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Grass Roots Art Energy. April 28, 1997-April 26, 1992. Curator: Enrico Martignoni. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Sculptors' Drawings. May 4-24, 1991.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Group Sculpture Exhibition. May 10-August 1, 1997.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Group Exhibition. September 7-28, 1991.
John Gibson Gallery, New York. 30th Anniversary Series: Sixties. October 19-November 23, 1997.
Bellas Artes, Santa Fe. Sculptors' Drawings. November 27, 1997-January 4, 1992.
Solo Exhibitions:
Valence, France. Mark di Suvero: Vivaldi. Organized by the City of Valence.
Galerie Heike Curtze, Vienna. Mark di Suvero: Drawings and Small Sculptures. April 4-May 16, 1992.
Städtische Galerie im park, Viersen, Germany. Mark di Suvero: New Star in der Skulpturensammlung zu Viersen. May 1992. Curator: Joachim Peter Kastner. Organized by Verein für Heimatpflege. Catalogue.
Pont de Bourgogne, Chalonsur-Saône, France. Mark di Suvero: Sculptures à l'échelle de la vie. July 11-September 15, 1992.
Group Exhibitions:
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml.
Andre Emmerich Gallery, New York. Table Sculpture by Modern and Contemporary Masters.
Akira Ikeda Gallery/ Taura, Yokosuka, Japan. Mark di Suvero, Frank Stella, Claes Oldenberg, Noriyuki Haraguchi, lsamu Wakabayashi. May 9-December 12, 1992.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Full Life. June 7, 1992-May 2, 1993. Catalogue.
La Vie Des Formes studio and the Rêve des Signes barge, Chalon-sur Saône, France. La Vie Des Formes. July-September 1992. Organized by Marcel Evrard, Enrico Martignoni, and Mark di Suvero. Catalogue.
Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA. Both Art and Life: Gemini G.E.L. at 25. September 22-November 29, 1992. Catalogue.
Okun Gallery, Santa Fe. Winter's Edge. November 20-December 16, 1992.
On December 18, Socrates Sculpture Park is temporarily designated part of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.
Solo Exhibitions:
Centre d'Art Passerelle, Musée des Beaux-Arts, and lnstitut des Arts et Techniques de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France. Catalogue. Brochure.
Esprit Park, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Major Outdoor Sculpture. September 1-December 31, 1993. Co-organized by John Berggruen Gallery and Oil & Steel Gallery. Catalogue.
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: Open Secret. April 24-June 12, 1993. Artist's book.
Rettig y Martinez Gallery, Santa Fe. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture, Lithographs, Multiples. September 11-October 9, 1993. Organized in association with Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, Queens.
Group Exhibitions:
University Art Museum, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
The Brooklyn Museum. The Second Dimension: Twentieth-Century Sculptors' Drawings From The Brooklyn Museum. June 25-September 19, 1993. Curator: Linda Konheim Kramer. Brochure.
Citywide Exhibition:
IVAM (lnstitut Valencià d'Art Modern) Centre Julio Gonzalez, Valencià, Spain. December 16, 1994-March 19, 1995. Organized by J. F. Yvars. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibition:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Recent Work. February 17-March 19, 1994. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Tasende Gallery, La Jolla, CA. Spring Equinox Exhibition.
John Weber Gallery, New York. Another Dimension: Paintings by Sculptors.
Galerie de l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Lorient, France. Le temps d'un dessin. March 16-April 6, 1994. Curators: Jean-Louis Bouillère and Philippe Briet. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. International 94. October 9, 1994-April 5, 1995. Catalogue.
David Rettig Fine Arts Inc., Santa Fe. Self-Portrait. June 25-July 16, 1994.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. New Sculpture. August 2-20, 1994.
Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA. The Essential Gesture. October 15-December 31, 1994. Curator: Bruce Guenther. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park becomes a permanent part of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.
In the summer di Suvero oversees a major installation of seven sculptures along the Grand Canal in Venice to coincide with the Venice Biennale's one-hundredth anniversary.

Citywide Exhibition:
46th Esposizione lnternazionale d'Arte, La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. Mark di Suvero A Venezia. June 11-October 15, 1995. Organized by: Enrico Martignoni. Catalogues.
Solo Exhibitions:
Oil & Steel Gallery, Long Island City, NY. She.
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: New Sculpture. April 22- May 27, 1995. Organized in association with Richard Bellamy.
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. May 13-November 15, 1995. Curator: David R. Collens. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
T Curtsnoc Fine Arts, Miami.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. XXV Years. January 13- February 25, 1995. Catalogue.
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Nagoya, Japan. Giant-Scale Sculpture: Mark di Suvero, Claes Oldenburg. February 1-April 28, 1995. Catalogue.
The First Ladies' Garden, The White House, Washington, D.C. Twentieth Century American Sculpture at the White House: Exhibition II. April 1995. Organized by Hilary Rodham Clinton and Townsend Wolfe. Brochure.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Summer Exhibition. August 4-September 9, 1995.
Kukje Gallery, Seoul. Environmental Sculptures. August 22-October 22, 1995. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
Sheldon Art Museum, Lincoln, NE.
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. April 1-November 15, 1996. Organized by David R. Collens. Catalogue.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. May 16-June 29, 1996.
Wiegand Gallery, College of Notre Dame, Belmont, CA. Mark di Suvero: The Hands. September 17-November 9, 1996. Organized by Stacey Moss. Catalogue. Traveled to: New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, New York, April 24-May 37, 1997.
Galerie Jeanne-Bucher, Paris. Mark di Suvero: Sculptures en acier dessins. October 10-November 16, 1996. Brochure.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco.
T Curtsnoc Fine Arts, Miami.
Franconia Sculpture Park, Shaffer, Ml.
Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo.
The Sculpture Garden at 590 Madison Avenue, New York.
Gagosian Gallery, New York. The Human Body in Contemporary American Sculpture. February 1-March 2, 1996.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Cut, Cast, Assemble: Contemporary Sculpture from the Permanent Collection. March 7-June 16, 1996.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. 10th Anniversary Season, Part 1. May 19-August 19, 1996.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. From Bauhaus to Pop: Masterworks Given by Philip Johnson. June 6-September 3, 1996.
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Masterworks of Modern Sculpture: The Nasher Collection. October 26, 1996-January 12, 1997. Curators: Carmen Gimenez and Steven A. Nash. Catalogue.
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Masters of American Sculpture: Alexander Calder, Mark di Suvero, Richard Serra, David Smith. November 1-December 21, 1996.
A major installation of nine pieces is installed throughout Paris at locations such as the Esplanade des lnvalides, La Nouvelle Bibliothèque Nationale de France, La Villette, and L'UNESCO (Place Fontenoy); the exhibition includes E=MC2, which at one hundred feet high is di Suvero's tallest sculpture to date.
Di Suvero is named Commandeur d'Ordre des Art et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

Citywide Exhibition:
City of Paris, France. Mark di Suvero: Paris. September 15-November 16, 1997. Curator: Daniel Marchesseau. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: Inner Sculpture for Euler. May 3-August 1, 1997.
Atelier Franck Bordas, Paris, France. September 13-October 4, 1997.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Mark di Suvero: Queen's Bishop 1991-1997. September 19-October 18, 1997.
Galerie Heike Curtze, Vienna. Mark di Suvero: Lithographen und Zeichnungen. October 22-November 29, 1997.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco.
Gagosian Gallery, New York.
Queens Museum of Art.
Two Sculptors Gallery, New York. Facets of Modern Sculpture: Witkin, Di Suvero, Tucker, Murray and Others.
Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York. Sculptors' Drawings. February 3-28, 1997. Curator: Chris Duncan. Booklet.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. A Century of Sculpture: The Nasher Collection. February 6-June 1, 1997.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. International 97. September 28, 1997-May 1, 1998. Curator: Charlotta Kotik.
FIAC (Faire Internationale d'Art Contemporain), Quai Branly, Paris. Pour un jubilé. September 30- October 6, 1997. Catalogue.
T Curtsnoc Fine Arts, North Miami. Boom. September 20-November 1, 1997.
Solo Exhibitions:
Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA. Mark di Suvero: Drawings. June 27-October 4, 1998. Curator: Bruce Guenther. Booklet.
Town Center Park, South Coast Plaza, Newport Beach, CA. Mark di Suvero: Orange County. July 2-September 27, 1998. Curator: Bruce Guenther. Organized by the Orange County Museum of Art. Booklet.
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Nagoya, Japan. Mark di Suvero: Sculptures. July 8-August 29, 1998.
Mark Moore Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. Mark di Suvero: Homage to the Cobblers. July 11-August 15, 1998.
Mark Moore Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. Mark di Suvero: Four Small Sculptures. September 12-October 17, 1998.
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art. Mark di Suvero. October 3-November 23, 1998. Brochure.
Group Exhibitions:
Klein Art Works, Chicago. Contemporary Abstraction. Catalogue.
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. 100 Years of Sculpture: From the Pedestal to the Pixel. February 21-May 24, 1998.
Orlando Museum of Art. The Edward R. Broida Collection: A Selection of Works. March 12-June 21, 1998. Curators: Sue Scott and Betsy Gwinn. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. Escape Velocity. May 16- August 31, 1998.
Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts, Kalamazoo, Ml. Art and the American Experience. September 13-December 6, 1998. Curator: Jan van der Marek. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Amnesty International Benefit Drawing Show. December 10-23, 1998.
Solo Exhibition:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Recent Sculpture. September 14-October 23, 1999.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Line, Color, Form.
Gagosian Gallery, New York. Group Sculpture Show. April 21-May 8, 1999.
Grinnell College Art Gallery, Bucksbaum Center for the Arts, Grinnell, IA. RE-STRUCTURE. September 25-December 11, 1999. Curator: Lesley Wright. Catalogue.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. The American Century: Art and Culture, 1900-1950. Part II, 1950-2000. September 26, 1999-February 13, 2000. Curator: Barbara Haskell. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Sculpture and Sculptors' Drawings. December 11, 1999-January 29, 2000.
Di Suvero receives the Lifetime Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Center.
On November 20 di Suvero and Socrates Sculpture Park receive the New York State Governor's Arts Award.
Solo Exhibitions:
Danese, New York. Mark di Suvero: Works from a Private Collection. September 15-October 21, 2000. Curators: Renato Danese and Enrico Martignoni. Catalogue.
T. Curtsnoc Fine Arts and Seth Jason Beitler Fine Arts, North Miami. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture, Drawings, Collages. September 16-October 20, 2000.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Acquisitions.
Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY. Welded Sculpture of the Twentieth Century. May 14-August 27, 2000. Curator: Judy Collischan. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
Gagosian Gallery, New York. May 5-June 16, 2001.
Galerie Bruno Mory, Besanceuil, France. Mark di Suvero-Renzo Piano. July 28-September 16, 2001. Catalogue.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. October 19- November 25, 2001.
Venice Beach, CA. Mark di Suvero: Declaration, 1999-2001. October 19-November 25, 2001. Organized by L.A. Louver.
Group Exhibitions:
Akira Ikeda Gallery/Taura, Yokosuka, Japan. In Time. March 3-31, 2001.
Tasende Gallery, West Hollywood. The American Way. April 21-June 8, 2001. Catalogue.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Sculptures, Drawings, and Works in Relief. July 19- September 8, 2001.
Neuhoff Gallery, New York. Works on Paper. September 11-November 11, 2001.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero, Ellsworth Kelly, Donald Judd, Sol Lewitt, Rudolph Stingel: Sculpture. November 28, 2007-January 26, 2002.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Sculpture. November 30, 2007-January 5, 2002.

Di Suvero joins Paula Cooper Gallery.
Solo Exhibition:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. May 1-June 1, 2002.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Oh Beautiful!: American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. 2002.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. August 1-31, 2002.
Neuhoff Gallery, New York. The Gesture: Movement in Painting and Sculpture. September 17-October 19, 2002. Curator: Robert C. Morgan. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Merce Cunningham Foundation Benefit 50th Anniversary Art Sale. October 30-November 6, 2002.
International Sculpture Center, Washington, D.C. 10th Anniversary of the Lifetime Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture. December 2002.
Solo Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Recent Sculpture. September 4-October 18, 2003.
Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis. Mark di Suvero: Dragons in the Sky. October 4, 2003-January 11, 2004. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture and Drawings. October 11-November 15, 2003.
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Berlin. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture & Paintings. November 21, 2003-March 13, 2004. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
Chateau de Flecheres, Fareins, France. Sculpture Monumentale. Organized by Galerie Bruno Mory.
University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City. Top 40! The Stone Collection of 20th-Century Sculptors' Drawings. January 8-February 23, 2003. Curator: Kathleen A. Edwards. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Group Exhibition. May 3-July 1, 2003.
Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art, Jacksonville, FL. Intuition & Response: Masterworks from the Edward Broida Collection. September 6, 2003-January 9, 2004. Curator: George Kinghorn. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
Akira Ikeda Gallery, New York.
An Empty Space: Mark di Suvero. January 1-June 30, 2004.
Madison Square Park, New York. June 1, 2004-March 1, 2005. Brochure.
Albion, Michael Hue-Williams Fine Art Limited, London. June 15-September 10, 2004. Catalogue.
City of San Diego. Mark di Suvero: Isis. July 2004-July 2006. Organized by the Port of San Diego Public Art Program and the City of San Diego.
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, Ml. September 24, 2004-January 2, 2005. Booklet.
Group Exhibitions:
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Life Understood.
Hunter College, Times Square Gallery, New York. Moved. February 19-April 17, 2004. Curators: Stephen Davis and Jon Lutz. Catalogue.
Mark Moore Gallery, Santa Monica, CA. Painting & Sculpture. July 10- August 27, 2004.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Sculpture. July 9-August 28, 2004.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Prints, Books, and Multiples. December 10, 2004-January 15, 2005.

Di Suvero receives the Heinz Award in the Arts and Humanities.
Solo Exhibitions:
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. Richard Bellamy and Mark di Suvero. April 1-November 13, 2005. Curator: David R. Callens. Catalogue.
Knoedler & Company, New York. Mark di Suvero: Indoors. May 12- August 12, 2005. Co-organized with Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Catalogue.

Group Exhibitions:
Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles. Group Exhibition. Summer 2005.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY. The Natalie and Irving Forman Collection. May 6-July 3, 2005. Curator: Karen Lee Spaulding. Catalogue.
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, Sonoma, CA. Sculpture Sonoma 2005. May 24-October 16, 2005. Organized by Community Foundation Sonoma County and the Cultural Arts Council of Sonoma County.
Nagasaki Prefectural Museum, Nagasaki City, Japan. Picturing America: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art. July 12-August 21, 2005. Organized by Dana A. Miller for the Whitney Museum of American Art. Catalogue. Traveled to: Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo, August 27-October 2, 2005; 21st-Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan, October 8-November 6, 2005; Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Kitakyushu, Japan, November 20, 2005-January 9, 2006; and Koriyama City Museum, Koriyama, Japan, January 28-March 12, 2006.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Highlights: New Acquisitions. August 2-September 9, 2005.

For the 2006 Whitney Biennial, di Suvero and Rirkrit Tiravanija collaborate to reconceive the Artists' Tower for Peace (1966). Peace Tower (2006) is unveiled in the Sculpture Courtyard of the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
Solo Exhibitions:
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. Richard Bellamy and Mark di Suvero. April 1-November 15, 2006. Curator: David R. Collens. Catalogue.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. May 4-July 31, 2006.
Group Exhibitions:
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Whitney Biennial 2006: Day for Night. March 2-May 28, 2006. Curators: Chrissie Iles and Phillippe Vergne. Catalogue.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Against the Grain: Contemporary Art from the Edward R. Broida Collection. May 3-July 10, 2006. Curator: Ann Temkin. Catalogue.
Matthew Marks Gallery, New York. A four dimensional being writes poetry on a field with sculptures: an exhibition curated by Charles Ray. June 28-August 11, 2006. Artist's book.
Grimaldi Forum, Monaco. New York, New York: Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Cinema, Performance, Photography and Video. July 13- September 10, 2006. Curators: Germano Celant and Lisa Dennison. Catalogue.
Zwirner & Wirth, New York. Outdoor Sculpture. November 13, 2006-January 27, 2007.

Di Suvero moves out of his Front Street home.
Solo Exhibitions:
City of Valenciennes, France. Mark di Suvero: Ulalu. 2007-10. Organized by Galerie Bruno Mory, Besanceuil, France. Catalogue.
City of Cambrai, France. Mark di Suvero: E=MC2. 2007-10. Organized by Galerie Bruno Mory, Besanceuil, France. Catalogue.
Millennium Park, Chicago. Mark di Suvero | Millennium Park. April 17, 2007-April 1, 2008.
Chicago Cultural Center. Mark di Suvero: Works and Protest. June 8-October 1, 2007.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. October 9-November 17, 2007.
Akira Ikeda Gallery, Berlin. November 9, 2007-January 12, 2008. Catalogue.
Group Exhibitions:
P.S. 1, Long Island City, NY. Not For Sale. February 11-April 30, 2007. Curator: Alanna Heiss.
Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. An Architect Collects: Robert D. Kleinschmidt and a Lifetime of Fine Arts Acquisitions. April 20-July 29, 2007. Catalogue.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY. L.I.C., NYC. May 6-August 5, 2007. Curator: Alyson Baker.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Group Show. December 1, 2007-January 12, 2008.
Solo Exhibitions:
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. January 25-March 1, 2008.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: New Sculpture. May 9-June 30, 2008.
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. Mark di Suvero: Lithographs, Drawings and Indoor Sculptures. May 14-November 15, 2008. Curator: David R. Collens. Booklet.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, FL. December 6, 2008-May 31, 2009.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture. March 1-29, 2008.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Peter Shelton and Mark di Suvero. May 22-July 5, 2008.
The Hague, Netherlands. Den Haag Sculptur OB: Freedom: Amerikaanse Beeldhouwkuns (The Hague Sculpture 08: Freedom: American Sculpture). June 6-August 31, 2008. Curator: Marie Jeanne de Rooij. Catalogue.
Akira Ikeda Gallery/Taura, Yokosuka, Japan. Works on Paper. June 23-June 28, 2008.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Summer in the City 2008. July 10-August 31, 2008.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Group Show. July 17-August 23, 2008.
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY. Works on Paper: The Natalie and Irving Forman Collection. August 15- November 30, 2008. Curator: Anna Kaplan. Catalogue.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Group Show. September 5-October 4, 2008.
Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas, Austin. Reimagining Space. The Park Place Gallery Group in 1960s New York. September 28, 2008-January 18, 2009. Curator: Linda Dalrymple Henderson. Catalogue.
Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, New York. Molded, Folded & Found. October 16-December 23, 2008. Catalogue.
Solo Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: New Work. April 2-May 23, 2009.
Zane Bennett Contemporary Art, Santa Fe. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture, Drawings and Prints. June 12-July 18, 2009.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. September 12-November 23, 2009.
Group Exhibitions:
Tasende Gallery, San Diego. The Sculptor's Hand. January 9-February 28, 2009. Catalogue.
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, Spain. New York I New Drawings, 1946-2007. January 27-May 24, 2009. Curators: Elizabeth Finch and Ana Martinez de Aguilar. Catalogue.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860-1989. January 30-April 19, 2009. Curator: Alexandra Munroe. Catalogue.
Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis. In Sight: Selections from the Collection. February 6-May 10, 2009.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. A Matter of Form. March 5-28, 2009.
Danese, New York. Sculpture and Drawings. April 24-May 29, 2009.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. After Image. May 2-June 26, 2009.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Independent Visions: American Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture. July 31-August 31, 2009.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Selected Works. November 5-December 5, 2009.
Specific Object/ David Platzker, New York. 69. December 4-18, 2009.
On October 28, di Suvero is awarded the Archives of American Art Medal by the Smithsonian Institution.

Solo Exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. May 1-July 30, 2010.
The Morgan Library and Museum, New York. Mark di Suvero at the Morgan. June 16-September 12, 2010. Brochure.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Mark di Suvero: Shooshine. July 7-0ctober 30, 2010.
Group Exhibitions:
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Summertime.
Specific Object/ David Platzker, New York. 69. January 4-29, 2010.
University of Dallas Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery, Irving, TX. Drawing on Sculpture. April 9-May 2, 2010.
Acquavella Galleries, New York. Robert & Ethel Scull: Portrait of a Collection. April 13-May 27, 2010. Curator: Judith Goldman. Catalogue.
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. 5+5: New Perspectives. June 5- November 14, 2010. Curator: David R. Collens.
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C. International VSA Arts Festival. June 6-20, 2010.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection. June 25-September 19, 2010. Curator: Gary Garrels. Catalogue.
Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, Ml. Sculptors Celebrate the Legacy of Fred and Lena Meijer. July 16- November 16, 2010.
On March 2, di Suvero receives the 2010 National Medal of Arts from President Barack Obama at an East Room ceremony at the White House.

Solo Exhibitions:
Tasende Gallery, La Jolla, CA. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture and Drawings. January 28-March 12, 2011. Organized by J. M. Tasende. Catalogue.
Governors Island, New York, NY. Mark di Suvero at Governors Island: Presented by Storm King Art Center. May 27-September 25, 2011. Curator: David R. Collens.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. June 4-30, 2011.
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor. Mark di Suvero: Tabletops. October 8, 2011-February 26, 2012.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. November 22, 2011-January 21, 2012.
Group Exhibitions:
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Ml. Structure/ Abstraction.
Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY. Drawn/ Taped/ Burned: Abstraction on Paper. January 23-May 1, 2011. Curator: Ellen Keiter. Online Catalogue.
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. 5+5: New Perspectives. April 1- November 13, 2011. Curator: David R. Collens.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. A View from Above. May 17-July 30, 2011.
Thirty-one cities along the Escaut River in northern France. Escaut. Rives, dérives. May 19-September 18, 2011. Catalogue.
The Getty Research Institute Exhibition Gallery, Los Angeles. Greetings From L.A.: Artists and Publics, 1945-1980. October 1, 2011-February 2, 2012. Curators: John Tain with Linde Brady. Organized as part of Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945-1980, an initiative of the Getty with arts institutions across Southern California. Catalogue. Traveled to: Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, March 15-June 10, 2012.
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Now Dig This! Art and Black Los Angeles, 1960-1980. October 2, 2011-January 8, 2012. Curator: Kellie Jones. Catalogue. Traveled to: MoMA PSl, Long Island City, NY. Organized by Kellie Jones, Christophe Cherix, and Peter Eleey, in association with Connie Butler. October 21, 2012-March 11, 2013.
Solo Exhibitions:
Pacific Standard Time, Performance and Public Art Festival, Los Angeles. Mark di Suvero: Artists' Tower of Protest. January 19-March 24, 2012. Organized by Cesar Garcia, LA><Art, Getty Research Institute, and the City of West Hollywood's Art on the Outside program.
Governors Island, New York, NY. Mark di Suvero at Governors Island. May 26-September 30, 2012. Presented by Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY. Curator: David R. Collens.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. November 17, 2012-January 5, 2013.
Group Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Highlights 2012. September 6, 2012-January 13, 2013.
Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The Geometric Abstraction: A Century of Abstraction. October 5, 2012-January 20, 2013. Curator: Jorge Daniel Veneciano. Catalogue.
di Suvero curates an exhibition of Leonard Contino’s paintings at the CUE Art Foundation.
On May 15, di Suvero is awarded a gold medal for sculpture by the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, in partnership with the National Park Service and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, presents a yearlong installation of eight large-scale sculptures by di Suvero at Crissy Field, adjacent to the Golden Gate Bridge, in San Francisco. This presentation is the most recent in a series of major, yearlong outdoor exhibitions of di Suvero's work in the United States. Previous venues include Millennium Park, Chicago (1997-98); Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Coral Gables, FL (2008-9); and Governors Island, New York (2011 and 2012).
Solo Exhibitions:
Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville. Mark di Suvero: Affinities. January 17-February 28, 2013. Curator: Joseph Mella.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero: Little Dancer. May 4-July 3, 2013.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero: Selected Small Works. May 9-July 27, 2013.
Crissy Field, San Francisco. Mark di Suvero at Crissy Field. May 22, 2013-May 26, 2014. Curator: Neal Benezra. Organized by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in partnership with the National Park Service and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
Group Exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Repetition: 1960-1975. January 19- February 9, 2013.
American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York. Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards. May 16-June 9, 2013.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco. Summer Show 2013. August 1-31, 2013.
Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL. Albrecht Dürer to Claes Oldenburg: Collecting at the Cornell, 1990-2010. September 17-December 1, 2013. Booklet.
Hauser & Wirth, London. Re-View: Onnasch Collection. September 20-December 14, 2013. Curator: Paul Schimmel. Catalogue. Traveled to: Hauser & Wirth, New York. February 7-April 12, 2014.
Industry City, Brooklyn. Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Year 1. October 20-December 15, 2013. Curator: Phong Bui. Organized in collaboration with the Dedalus Foundation.
Solo Exhibitions:
James Cohan Gallery, Shanghai. Mark di Suvero: The Imagination of Steel. April 24-June 14, 2014.
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha. Mark di Suvero: Tom Hanafan River's Edge Park. June 7-September 7, 2014.
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. September 5-October 25, 2014.
Group Exhibitions:
Socrates Sculpture Park at 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery, New York. Fact of the Matter. January 21-May 16, 2014. Curators: John Hatfield and Elissa Goldstone. Brochure.
The Brooklyn Museum. Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties. March 7-July 6, 2014. Curators: Teresa Carbone and Kellie Jones. Catalogue. Traveled to: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. August 31-December 21, 2014; and Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas, Austin, February 8-May 10, 2015.
National Academy Museum, New York. The Annual 2014: Redenning Tradition. June 11-September 14, 2014.
Loretta Howard Gallery, New York. Irving Sandler: Out of Tenth Street and Into the 1960s. September 4-October 11, 2014.
Solo Exhibition:
Jack Shainman Gallery, The School, Kinderhook, New York. The Sculpture and Drawings of Mark di Suvero.
Group Exhibition:
Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York. The New York School, 1969: Henry Geldzahler at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. January 13-March 14, 2015.
James Cohan Gallery Shanghai, Shanghai, China. Selected Works. January 10-February 14, 2015.
Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR. In Passionate Pursuit: The Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Collection and Legacy. October 18, 2014-January 11, 2015.
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY. America Is Hard to See. May 1-September 27, 2015.
Hill Gallery, Birmingham, MI. Some Assembly Required. June 4-July 9, 2015.
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT. The Ceramic Presence in Modern Art: Selections from the Linda Leonard Schlenger Collection and the Yale University Art Gallery. September 4, 2015-January 3 2016.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Looking Back: 45 Years. October 8-December 19, 2015.
The Art Museum at The University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Sculptors on Paper. September 12-December 18, 2015.
Solo Exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. November 3-December 10, 2016.
Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY. Mark di Suvero: Monumental Sculptures, October 2016-August 2019.

Group Exhibition:
Berggruen Gallery at Minnesota Street Project, San Francisco, CA. Passing through Minnesota. October 4-29, 2016.
Tajan Artstudio, Paris, France. Over the Golden Gate 1960-1990. Oct 20-28, 2016.
Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL. Breaking Ground: The Donald and Maria Cox Collection. September 24, 2016-January 8, 2017.
John Berggruen Gallery, St. Helena, CA. Sculpture in the Garden. August 15 – October 31, 2016.
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Summer Highlights. July 5th-26th, 2016.
Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville, TN. Close Readings: American Abstract Art from the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery. March 17-May 26, 2016
Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, NC. A Material Legacy: The Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Collection of Contemporary Art. February 18-July 10, 2016. Organized by Marshall N. Price, Ph.D., Nancy Hanks Curator.
Allan Stone Projects, New York, NY. Artists of the New York School. October 27-December 23, 2016.
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971. September 30, 2016-January 29, 2017. Catalogue.
Group Exhibition:
Museum of the City of New York, New York, NY. Art in the Open: 50 Years of Public Art in New York. November 9, 2017-May 13, 2018.
Peter Freeman Gallery, New York, NY. Deadeye Dick: Richard Bellamy and His Circle. September 12-October 28, 2017.
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, UK. Sotheby’s Beyond Limits. September 9-October 29, 2017.
Galerie Bruno Mory, Besanceuil, France. Sculpteurs Sculpture. July 10-October 22, 2017. Catalogue.
Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT. Exposed. July 22-October 21, 2017.
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI. Victors for Art: Michigan's Alumni Collectors—Part II: Abstraction. July 1- October 29, 2017 and August 19-November 26, 2017.
Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, NY. Inventing Downtown: Artist-Run Galleries in New York City, 1952-1965. January 10-April 1, 2017. Catalogue.
The Art Gallery at NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirites. Inventing Downtown: Artist-Run Galleries in New York City, 1952-1965. October 4, 2017 – January 13, 2018. Catalogue.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA. Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971. March 19, 2017–September 10, 2017. Organized by the National Gallery of Art, Washington. Catalogue.
The Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, MI. Prints and Processes. January 24-June 25, 2017.
Solo exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. January 6-February 3, 2018.
Paula Cooper Gallery in Collaboration with The Moinian Group & Alex Brotmann Art Advisory, 220 11th Avenue. Hugs. October 6 2018-August 20, 2019.

Group Exhibition:
Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. Re-Seeing the Permanent Collection: The Long 1968. Re-Seeing the Permanent Collection: The Long 1968. January 17-July 29, 2018.
National Trust for Historic Preservation, Chesterwood, Stockbridge, MA. Contemporary Sculpture at Chesterwood: 40 YRS. June 30-October 8, 2018.
L.A. Louver, Venice, CA. Evolver. June 20-August 17, 2018.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France. Epreuves d’imprimeur, estampes de l'Atelier Franck Bordas. October 2-November 25, 2018.
Hall für aktuelle Kunst, Deichtorhallen Hamburg GMBH, Hamburg, Germany. Florian Slotawa: Stuttgart Sichten. October 16 2018- January 20, 2019.
Tasende Gallery, La Jolla, CA. Figure & Image. September 13-November 10, 2018.
Solo Exhibitions:
L.A. Louver, Venice, California. Mark di Suvero: Painting & Sculpture. May 1-June 8, 2019.
Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, France. Mark di Suvero, September 19-November 9, 2019.
Group Exhibitions:
Kasmin Gallery, New York. Levity/Density. July 11-August 16, 2019.
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, Michigan. A National Treasure: Fred Meijer, His Collection and Legacy. February 1-August 25, 2019.
Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, France. Une Brève Histoire de la Modernité des Formes. April 19-June 1, 2019.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965-1975. March 15-August 18, 2019. Catalogue.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C. Sculpture Down to Scale: Models for Public Art at Federal Buildings. May 31, 2019-June 6, 2020. Organized by Sarah Newman.
A retrospective of Leonard Contino’s career titled “A retrospective of Contino’s career titled “Totally Dedicated: Leonard Contino, 1940-2016” is presented at the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY New Paltz. The short documentary film Leonard Contino and Mark di Suvero: Brothers in Art, by Williams Cole and Dirk Van Dall is screened both at the retrospective and di Suvero and Contino’s two person exhibition at Paula Cooper Gallery.

Solo Exhibitions:
John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Mark di Suvero: Sculpture & Painting. January 9-February 15, 2020.
Group Exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. Mark di Suvero and Lenny Contino. October 22-November 28, 2020.
Solo Exhibitions:
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, San Luis Obispo, CA. Mark di Suvero: History and Its Shadow. August 14-November 7, 2021.
Group Exhibitions:
Paula Cooper Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida. Carte Blanche: A Changing Exhibition. March 20-July 9, 2021.
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, Michigan. 3D: Focus on the Figure. May 8-August 9, 2021.
The Drawing Center, New York. Ways of Seeing: Three Takes on the Jack Shear Drawing Collection. October 2, 2021-February 20, 2022.
Paula Cooper Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida. A Drawing Show. December 18, 2021-January 24, 2022.
Solo Exhibitions:
Tasende Gallery, La Jolla, CA. April 9- June 25, 2022
Group Exhibitions:
Jewish Museum, New York. New York: 1962-1964. July 22, 2022-January 8, 2023.
Paula Cooper Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida. Beatrice Caracciolo & Mark di Suvero. April 14-May 21, 2022
LA Louver, Venice, CA. Sculpture. May 11-July 15, 2022.
Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, MI. An Extraordinary Legacy: The Miner S. and Mary Ann Keeler Collection. May 17-October 8, 2022.
TOTAH, New York, NY. Singing in Unison. Part Five: In Loving Memory of Dan Graham (1942-2022), Curated by Phong Bui and Cal McKeever. June 28-August 12, 2022.

Solo Exhibitions:
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX. Mark di Suvero: Steel Like Paper, January 28-August 27, 2023. Catalogue.